Easter in Sitges
Easter falls earlier than normal this year and as always it marks an upturn in visitor numbers to Sitges every year. AndysRooms.com have some special rates available for these dates, so if you have’t booked your room or apartment, then there’s still time. Oh and expect a lot of Irish boys in Sitges, given that […]
Our Guest Blogger.
Today, we welcome Lady Diamond as a guest blogger for the day. Lady has spent the past week delving through the more than 8,000 carnival photos to bring you a collection of some of the best on her blog, LadyDiamondSitges.com
El Horny Spring Clean
The nights seem to be that little bit busier this week… and we think it might have to do with the paint job in El Horno. Happy hour is moving from El Horno to XXL…. for the next few days. Why? Well, El Horno is getting a complete paint job! Rom is ensuring the place […]
Schhh… you know who!
Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait 10 days. We won’t even do a countdown! Granted… if you live in Sitges, you will probably know the secret even before we do… but… tomorrow we will have a celebrity blogger sharing their thoughts on Sitges! Its just a different perspective! We hope you will enjoy it. […]
Sitges Rental Apartments
It looks like this Summer is set to be one of Sitges busiest. With several of our partner apartments now already booked solid from May to September, we recommend that you start booking your accommodation now to avoid disappointment! Vist Gay Sitges Guide’s apartment section for full details.
Cine Cafe – Quiz Night
This friday Cine Cafe is holding a quiz night featuring questions on music and movies. Get your friends together or come and join a team. Great fun for a friday night.
Weekend in Sitges…
This Saturday night there’s no shortage of options for a good night out. Check out B Side who offer a very popular 2 for 1 promotion from 10pm to 12am. Oreks is always a good option, popular with locals and tourists alike, often holding special stripper shows featuring the Golden Boys. And remember, Eric and […]
XXL and Bourbons
This february, more and more of the gay bars in Sitges are opening at the weekend. XXL will be open every weekend from now on, until the start of season. Check out their full listing here. And Bourbons Bar has also decided to reopen on Fridays and Saturdays also. You can view their full listing […]
Barcelona High Speed Train Launches.
After several months of delay, The launch of the high-speed railway line (AVE) Madrid-Barcelona is scheduled for Wednesday February 20. Renfe will start selling tickets for the high-speed train linking Madrid and the Catalan capital on Thursday 14 February. You never know who you might meet on the train! It takes just under 3 hours […]
Celebrate Valetines with Some Cristal!
Given that its the week-of-love, we have a very special prize for our newsletter subscirbers this month. 2 bottles of beautiful Cristal. So wow your boy or girl with not one, but just two beautiful bottles of Cristal Champagne! Congratulations to Richard Toner from Doncaster who won the beautiful Armani Phone. It will be with […]