Sitges Carnival 2010 at El Candil

Sitges Carnival

This Sunday, el Candil hosts its Sunday Carnival Party. The show promises to be spectacular. For more information visit El Candil’s profile listing on Gay Sitges Guide here.

Carnival Sitges – What are you missing?

Carnival Sitges

Right now, the most popular questions we’re getting via email are all about Sitges Carnival 2010, especially for those that have never been. They worry about it being cold, or quiet… (yes..they’ve really never been).. so we’ve grouped all of the photos taken in the bars last year into one big gallery.

Take a look and you will see just what you will be missing if you don’t come this year! The Gay Carnival kicks off Saturday night in Bourbons bar… The main Carnival kicks off on the Thursday the 11th.

Parrots Pub reopens for Sitges Carnival

Parrots Pub Carnival

Parrots Pub reopens on the 10th of February from Wed 10th to Wed 17th for Carnival. This years theme is all world cup… so it should be fun! Check out Parrots Pub’s full listing on Gay Sitges Guide here.

Dark Sitges Bar – Promising Something Different for Sitges Carnival 2010

Dark Sitges Bar

Well we can certainly say its one of the most different posters we’ve seen for Carnival so far. Dark Sitges Bar are promising a very different Carnival Experience.. it should be fun.

Check out Dark Sitges Bar’s full listing on Gay Sitges Guide here.

Comodin Sitges – Fiesta de la Mantilla

Fiesta de la Mantilla Sitges

Its one of the busiest nights of the year for Comodin…. and the bar gets packed to capacity! The Fiesta de la Mantilla is one night not to be missed during Carnival. The event takes place on the 9th of February.

Check out previous years events on Gay Sitges Guide here.

Sitges Carnival/Carnaval – Parade Dates and Route 2010.

Parade Route Carnival Sitges

There are 4 principal parades that should not be missed during Carnival

  • Thursday February 11th 7.00pm – Location to be determined
  • Sunday February 14th 9.00pm – “Rua de la Disbauxa” , kicks off at 9pm from Cap De La Vila
  • Tuesday February 16th 9.00pm – “Rua de l´extermini”, kicks off at 9pm from Cap De La Vila
  • Wednesday February 17th 6.30pm – “L’enterro de sa majestat Carnestoltes”  (Death of the Carnival King) – Route To be determined

Once we have final details of the main routes we will have them updated on the Carnival Page which you can see on Gay Sitges Guide here.

Prinz, Sitges – Carnival Shows..

Prinz SItges

Lady Diamond returns to Prinz this Carnival for two shows with the lovely Marco. The bar is open throughout the Carnival period and is a great place to chill out and relax as you meet up with friends..and meet the lovely locals that frequent the bar!

Check out Prinz full listing on Gay Sitges Guide here.

Sitges Carnival 2010 – Less than one month to go..

Sitges Carnival

Well the excitement is beginning to build, we’ve spoken to several people who are taking part in this year’s carnival and the last minute preparations are being made to costumes, rehearsals are ongoing and the town is getting read for the big influx of visitors the festivities attract!

If you haven’t got your carnival costume ready yet, then here’s some inspirational photos from last year’s events! Just remember, don’t be shy!

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Sitges Carnival

Have you booked your apartment for Carnival yet? Check here!

Tips to getting your Sitges Apartment or Hotel for major Events!

Sitges Events Hotel and Apartment

We had an email yesterday from a very upset guy from Canada. He was planning a trip for Pride and had read somewhere that nearly every hotel was booked solid!

Well. YES, it is very busy, but lets separate fact from fiction. Here’s a few hints on how to get the Hotel or Apartment you want for Carnival, Sitges, Fiesta Mayor or indeed any time of the year during the peak season.

1. Book Early – Yes, we know we’ve said it before, but the earlier you book, the better!

2. Stay a while – Don’t expect the hotels to have availability for just one night in August or for the day of the Pride Parade – Its not going to happen! If you want a hotel or apartment for a key event, then you need to stay at least a minimum of 4 to 7 days, not just one or two!

So – Find out How Many Hotel Rooms are left for Pride – July 7th to July 12th 2010

How Many Rooms Are left for Carnival – Fri 12th – Thur 18th February 2010

How Many Rooms are left for The Circuit Party – July 31st – Aug 9th 2010

Carnival in Sitges – Sauna Sitges…

Sauna Sitges Carnival 2010

Sauna Sitges will be open throughout the Carnival period. And will be hosting their very special “Fiesta del Paquete” on Monday the 15th of February! Its one of the best party nights of Carnival.. for those who like to party late.. it kicks off at 3am!

Sauna Sitges

Check out Sauna Sitges full listing on Gay Sitges Guide here.